• Moxibustion

    The treatment of disease that applies heat to acupuncture points. The technique involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, and is used to stimulate stagnant or cold areas of the body. The herb is burned slowly in various forms (moxa sticks, cones, or warming cylinders) and held on or near

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  • Choosing an Acupuncturist

    Recommendations from friends, meeting with an acupuncturist, and verifying an acupuncturist's training and standing are all good way to help choose an acupuncturist. When choosing an Acupuncturist: Get recommendations from others who have been treated by an Acupuncturist. Meet with the Acupuncturist.

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  • Auriculartherapy

    A therapy that utilizes the rich supply of blood and nerves in the ear to diagnose and treat disease, by stimulating acupuncture points in the ear. Auriculotherapy is effective in the treatment of a wide range of common diseases. It is especially successful in the treatment of chronic disease or used

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  • Causes of Disease

    Traditional Chinese medicine analyzes pathological factors on the basis of clinical manifestation of symptoms and signs. These disease-causing factors can be triggered by external influences such as variation of weather, irregular food intake, stress, lack of physical activity, and traumatic injuries.

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  • Electro-Acupuncture

    A low-frequency electrical impulse is applied to the needles once they are inserted in the acupuncture points and the Qi is obtained. This method regulates the flow of Qi, producing a more continuous and even stimulation. It is extensively used during surgery and further enhances both the duration and

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  • History of Acupuncture

    Acupuncture is one of the earliest forms of healing, dating back 5000 years, utilizing needles to provide relief of pain and other common ailments. In its infancy, sharpened stones were used to apply pressure in specific areas of the body. Over time, stones gave way to bones and finally, to hair-thin

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  • Herbal Therapy

    Herbology is a branch of science that deals with the therapeutic qualities of herbs. It is the oldest form of healing known to man and is one of the most important aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chinese Herbology aims to build and strengthen the body's immune system's response to fight disease. Herbs,

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  • Male Sexual Disorders

    There are many causes for sexual dysfunction in males including problems with circulation, stress, and lack of nutrients. These problems can also be derivatives of an organic condition such as diabetes and kidney dysfunction. The Chinese acupuncture therapy correlates male sexual dysfunction to the displacement

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  • Laser Therapy

    A healing technique that stimulates acupuncture points with low intensity "cold" lasers emitting infra-red light placed on or over affected areas and acupoints. It differs from laser surgery, which utilizes "hot" lasers. It is usually used to relieve pain, inflammation, and wound healing.

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  • Allergies

    Allergies are extreme reactions to substances inhaled, in contact with the skin, or ingested. Usually allergies are the result of a weakened immune system. Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine will build and strengthen the immune system by the use of antagonistic herbal treatment and establishing balance

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  • Dermatologic Disorders

    Acupuncture is commonly used in the treatment of chronic dermatological conditions, although, acute symptoms, like severe itching, can be effectively treated. Dermatological disorders can be caused by allergies, in which case, the allergens should be avoided. Acupuncture will treat skin diseases caused

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  • Cupping

    A method of acupuncture treatment that applies suction and creates a vacuum, by applying glass, ceramic, metal, brass or bamboo cups, stimulating the flow of blood. Cupping can be applied in combination with herbal medicine or traditional needling. This treatment is used in the relief of symptoms of

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  • Acupuncture Today

    Today, countries in Asia, such as China, Taiwan, Japan and Korea, along with Western European countries and America are constantly studying, researching and developing Acupuncture and other traditional Oriental treatment techniques. In this modern world Acupuncture has become very popular in America,

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  • Acupressure

    A technique that applies pressure to specific acupuncture points utilizing fingers, hand, elbow or various mechanical devices to provide relief of symptoms, balancing and motivating the flow of Qi throughout the body.

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  • "an amazing gift to give yourself, very knowledgeable and gifted practitioner, I met with Jessica, very comfortable and healing atmosphere, by far the best alternative healing I've experienced"
    Sharon M.